school supplies how to prepare for a successful new school year

How can ESL students prepare for a successful new school year?

Have you recharged? The summer break is almost over and the academic year is fast approaching as we are all struggling to ease into work and routine after our much needed vacations. Now is the perfect time for you, existing and new ESL student, to get everything set for your next step. Are you ready to kick start the new school year? Find out in this post how to better prepare for a successful school year as an ESL student!

6 tips to start the academic year successfully.

1. Review what you learnt the previous academic year. I have examined how to review ESL Grammar and Vocabulary in previous posts, so I will call Previewing and Self-evaluation strategies to your attention. In brief, you use the contents of your books to get a clear picture of what you have covered so far and how well or not so well you have developed each and every skill, strategy and technique. It’s also a good idea to produce 2 lists, one with what you have learnt well and another one with what you find challenging. Show them both to your tutor and get ready to thrive in the new school year!

For more detailed information on how to revise your ESL materials, click the links below:

2. What’s next? Do not underestimate the power of having at least a rough idea of what and how much lies ahead. Look through the contents of your ESL books to get a view of what needs to be covered. Knowing what to expect

▶︎ assists you with planning a better study schedule

▶︎ improves anticipatory and guessing skills and

▶︎ activates prior knowledge, which is conducive to a successful school year.

3. Set specific goals for this academic year. As there is a positive correlation between effort and success, try to be realistic as to your expectations.

4. Treat yourself to new office supplies. This is super-fun for most of us. Remember, boosting your positive feelings is equally important when you prepare to thrive in the new academic year.

5. Do or check any summer homework you have. Note that self-checking is a powerful metacognitive skill in your higher order thinking arsenal. So, make sure you practise every chance you get.

6. Contact your ESL tutor well in advance to make all the necessary arrangements and plan ahead for the academic year.

Are you ready for ESL this year?

Try these tips to hit the ground running and get all set for a successful new school year as an ESL student. Most importantly hold onto a summer state of mind. For any practical help or more tips on how to better prepare for the upcoming academic year, give me a shout!

Let’s all root for #positivebeginnings !

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