scissors cutting a string how to eliminate the teachers through autonomous learning

The benefits of autonomous learning – or how to eliminate the teacher!

How do we cultivate a growth mindset? We give people the tools and inspire them to thrive. Since the beginning of my teaching career, I have always been an avid advocate for independent thinking and learner autonomy as means of empowering future generations. To my mind, developing skills that foster autonomy should be a predominant educational aim. This is because learning how to rely on yourself to find solutions to problems effectively is a vital life skill. In this post I present the benefits of autonomous learning and pertinent strategies that promote it. Read on!

How do learners and teachers benefit from autonomous learning?

Learning autonomously has multiple benefits for both students and teachers. Autonomy calls for a specific skill set and attitudes. Relevant skills include the ability to make, implement and review decisions based on appropriate techniques, self-awareness and reflection, fact and situation analysis, to name but a few. Autonomous learners adopt a more methodical approach and remain flexible and persistent in their attempts. Developing a positive outlook on the learning process as an active co-creator of knowledge is inevitable.

Teachers, on the other hand, ought to promote lessons that are less teacher-centered, equip their students with tools that facilitate autonomy and independent thinking and help them build confidence and self-esteem.

Autonomous Learning benefits

Learning strategies that promote autonomy.

There are various strategies and techniques you can use that foster autonomy. Try some or all of them to take the reins of whatever you are studying. Ask your instructor how you can better plan, evaluate and monitor your work.

Autonomous Learning Strategies

Assume control!

In a world full of followers, assume control! Take ownership and responsibility for your own learning and actions. Autonomous learning is a process through which you become fully aware of your existing skills, strengths and talents, as well as of any weaknesses you need to work on. Demystify knowledge acquisition by adding more powerful tools to your arsenal for guaranteed success!

And as I urge my students: “Become your own teacher!”

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