Be heard! – Why your brand voice matters.

What comes to your mind when you think of a brand? Let’s face it, we all picture how the brand looks visually; from the colours to logo and other brand elements. What is often overlooked is an integral part of the brand identity that embodies and expresses the brand personality and core values through the words you use to communicate with your audience – your brand voice. What’s the big deal? Read on!

5 reasons why your brand voice must be heard.

1. Your brand voice expresses your brand’s unique persona. Be it playful, intellectual, or just plain witty, your voice should always be authentic., i.e. true to the brand identity.

2. Through your messages, people get to know and understand your brand better. In the same way you get a better idea about whom you’re dealing with the more you communicate with a person, the better your audience understands your brand when you communicate it regularly and in a distinctive voice.

3. The content of your communications along with your brand tone help you build up solid long-lasting relationships with the audience. Remember! People tend to trust a voice they can identify with.

4. Your voice impacts the way your company is perceived as a whole. In other words, the way you address and speak to your customers affects the way they view your brand.

5. A consistent voice across all channels and content shows that your brand is reliable and committed to its values and customers. Moreover, it creates a polished and professional image that stands out from the pack.

What now?

Ready to start marketing your company, product, or brand? Communication is key! Get a creative copywriter to work on your web content and social media presence for starters. Time to find your brand voice and offer your customers a consistent, successful and satisfying experience!

Website copywriting special offer

Looking for ways to reassure your stakeholders post-COVID? Read my post on how you can connect with the new customer.