collage with blog posts cutouts how to write a blog post

The anatomy of writing a blog post: a How-To guide.

As promised, this is a guide on how to write the perfect blog post. With about 410 million users viewing more than 20 billion pages, I’m sure you’d like a piece of the action. Start a blog today to share your knowledge and connect with your audience. What’s next? Follow the 6 steps below to create blog posts that convert like crazy.

Write a blog post in just 6 steps.

Write a blog post in 6 steps

Blog post extras.

Featured image.

Along with the post title and meta description, the featured image is a powerful, easily digestible way to capture visitors attention and entice them to read your blog post. Opt for an image that evokes emotions and intellectual responses. The images you choose should visually represent and support your blog theme and be in line with your brand identity. You can either create one yourself, hire a graphic designer or get one for free from a stock image website.

Meta description.

A meta description is essentially a summary of the blog post content. Treat it as an advert for your post that draws readers to your website. To do this you ought to use strong, compelling language and include important keywords. Meta descriptions show in the search engine results and affect the click-though rate, i.e. the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view, for example, your post. That’s why you should take the time to optimise your snippet and make it work!

Data, Graphs & Charts.

Let’s face it, however unappealing graphs and charts may seem to some, they do help readers understand data quickly. And we all know how crucial data is to substantiate claims. An excellent way to display data in your blog post is by using online data visualisation tools that allow you to create graphs and charts fast and hassle-free!

Multimedia elements.

Types of popular multimedia include images, gifs, videos, photos and infographics. They bring life to your post, facilitate comprehension and foster brand awareness. Truth is that long posts can be tiring to read. So, incorporate different types of multimedia every approximately 200 words. In this way, you stimulate your audience visually, which results in increased user engagement and more time on page. Did you know that a video can attract 300% more traffic?

Time to blog!

Now that you know how, it’s time you started writing your blog. From experience I can say that writing my professional blog has been an amazing, rewarding journey with occasional waves that call for patience, poise and persistence. Don’t let any hurdles put you off and prevent you from sharing your expertise. Go ahead and blog away!

Happy blogging everyone!

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