person with megaphone shouting speak up and 3 targets

7 Tips on How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills.

Are you among those who find speaking in English daunting? You are not alone! A great number of people are consumed by anxiety and feel at a loss when required to interact in a second language. Let me assure you that it is only natural to worry about making mistakes and fear criticism when conversing in English. Even though it can be an overwhelming experience, the fact remains that, as a global citizen, you need to reach out and use your Speaking skills on a variety of occasions, both in your professional and personal life. What can you do to speak more properly and confidently in English? Follow the 7 practical tips below to improve your English Speaking Skills.

1. Speak Your Way to Success!

Practice makes perfect mainly because it helps build your confidence. Repetition improves fluency as whole chunks of language become automatic, making your speech flow more naturally. So, seize any chance you get to speak in English and put your Speaking Skills to use.

  • Find an English language exchange partner – it can be a friend, a family member or a colleague if you feel more at ease chatting to people you are familiar with.
  • Expand your international network – through travel or social networking, we all have acquaintances from other countries with whom we can practise our English Speaking Skills.
  • Speak to yourself – it may sound a bit odd, but saying your thoughts out loud or narrating what you are doing at any given moment can not only make you more fluent, but also ease you into thinking in English.

2. Listen closely. Then speak.

To be a good speaker, be a good listener first. When you communicate orally your role is always dual, i.e. you are a speaker and a listener at once. Observing, imitating and reproducing grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation will significantly boost your English Speaking Skills and affect your speaking performance positively. You can practise by engaging in conversation, or with the use of other sources of auditory stimuli. Watching movies, as well as listening to the News on international channels, like the BBC and CNN, can turn into excellent listening activities.

3. Read aloud.

Reading aloud builds several Speaking Skills, like fluency, vocabulary and pronunciation. You can use books or newspapers, as well as numerous dedicated resources online. Why not act out a script of your favourite TV show? Or for those of you less artistically inclined, how about getting your hands on a TED talks transcript for your reading aloud practice?

4. Surround yourself with English.

Learning processes can be both conscious and unconscious. That means that you learn even with no deliberate and controlled attention. Your brain can pick up words, sequences and patterns without you being aware of it. That’s why you should surround yourself with English in order to develop your Speaking Skills. For example, you can let some English music, a radio show or a podcast play in the background while you engage in other activities. Your brain will do the work for you!

5. Choose your words.

Accuracy when you speak can be achieved by acquiring a wider and deeper vocabulary. So, take charge and dive into reading. From a simple menu to a newspaper or a literary book in English, reading can boost your vocabulary as it expands and improves it. Jot down and compile a list with all the words you do not know or catch your attention. Then, try to form examples with them, orally or in writing.

6. Think in English. Speak in English.

The moment you create a “switch” for English in your head, speaking in English will feel like a breeze. It will take you less time to produce speech and respond in a conversation. To do that, keep a diary of your thoughts and emotions – in English, of course!

7. Try English Speaking Coaching

Find an experienced, highly qualified English Expert for one-on-one tutoring and benefit from lessons created specifically for your own language requirements. An ESL tutor will help you develop all the Speaking Skills, including Fluency, Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation with the use of a wide range of strategies and techniques that match your learning profile.

Do you speak English?

Speaking English effectively is a priceless asset and an extremely powerful tool. It is the glue that brings us together as it allows for experiences that are meaningful to all the English language speakers worldwide. Do bear in mind that no matter how high or low the stakes of the circumstances are, fluency and accuracy determine the effectiveness of your speaking performance and overall success of your exchange. That is why achieving fluency in your English Speaking Skills IS a big deal!

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