Christmas during COVID

Use your mind to survive Christmas in the time of COVID.

Feeling jolly or utterly terrified? Into the Christmas spirit, or not quite? Whatever the case, festivities have undoubtably been curtailed in more ways than one. No parties, fewer people, less travel and the tight 10pm curfew to top it all off. How can we weather this storm we are caught in? Any ideas come to mind?

Merry(?) Christmas!

So, what will this festive season taste like? Bittersweet most likely, considering the detrimental socio-economic impact of COVID, and worst of all, the crude mortality rate of this heinous disease. And for added bitterness? Loneliness and its wide range of negative effects both on the mind and the body. Admittedly, finding a way through this predicament may seem like mission impossible. Christmas bubbly anyone?

How to use your mind to survive and thrive.

Fine-tune your mind-set.

“Not all is lost!”, many a poet would exclaim with whom I feel obliged to agree. Adopting a positive mind-set is key to getting through tough times. How about taking a moment to contemplate how beautiful “small” is. After all, strength lies in unity rather than numbers. Moreover, why not take a minimalistic approach during the holiday break? In other words, appreciate what is here, now, even if it’s just yourself. Clearly, when left to our own devices, stripped of comforts and freedoms what we end up with is consequential.  

Putting your brainpower to good use.

I have been long fascinated by the vast array of weapons in the arsenal of the mind. From the wings bestowed by imagination, the revelations of thinking and the power or learning to the unlimited possibilities of creativity, our mental capacities offer numerous pathways to choose from. More specifically, by wielding the powers of the mind you can build greater resilience, trigger inspiration and find joy. Hence, do not forget to invite them over to help you get by this, not so jolly, Christmas time!

Try the following ways to keep sharp and active:

  • Think – about who you are, your goals, your plans
  • LearnEnglish or new skills like writing and mind mapping
  • Createcontent for your website, your social media or start a personal blog

Choose wisely!

On a final note, what matters the most this Christmas is doing everything with a positive mind-set and from a place of love. Take time to reflect, develop your skills, tap into your creativity and make things fun – it is merely a choice.

Stay strong and remember, we are made of stardust!,always%20been%20in%20your%20head